
Midblock sidewalk ramps, crosswalk being installed near Plaza entrance

Sep 21, 2022 | 4:23 PM

Daylin Wright and Ricky Brooks, employees of the Glasgow Department of Pubic Works, get measurements marked on a piece of wood to be used to form the edges of a sidewalk ramp across from the entrance of the Plaza Theatre on Wednesday morning. The eastbound lane of the 100 block of East Main Street was temporarily closed while the men were working and is expected to be closed Thursday while cement is poured. The anticipated time for that work is around noon, Brooks said. Melinda J. Overstreet / Glasgow News 1

By Melinda J. Overstreet / Glasgow News 1
The Glasgow Department of Public Works is creating ramps in the sidewalks on each side of the street at roughly the midpoint of the 100 block of East Main Street, near the entrance to the Plaza Theatre, this week, and they will soon be connected by an “official” crosswalk.
The action was prompted after accessibility to the entrance of the theater for an event in May was hindered for someone reliant on a wheelchair for mobility, said Glasgow Councilwoman Chasity Lowery, who serves on the Plaza Theatre Advisory Board. She spoke with DPW Superintendent Roger Simmons, who then worked with Carolyn Glodfelter, executive director of the municipally owned venue, and a plan was formed.
Lowery said that, according to her recollection, the Glasgow Public Square was closed off for some other event, so he couldn’t access a ramp from there, but she couldn’t recall why ramps at the other end of the block were problematic.
Along the way, because Main Street is a state-maintained roadway, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet had to authorize the work.
Joe Plunk, chief district engineer for District 3 of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, confirmed that the city was permitted to construct the sidewalk ramps that are to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
“KYTC will install a pedestrian-crossing sign and paint the crosswalk as soon as possible,” Plunk said in a message to Glasgow News 1. “KYTC typically does not default to uncontrolled ‘midblock’ crossings; however, there are situations where it is clear a high volume of pedestrians are crossing midblock, and KYTC will partner with local governments on those extraordinary situations. In this case, the city was willing to construct the ADA-compliant sidewalk ramp by permit, and KYTC agreed to install signage and paint the crosswalk. This is an excellent example of local-state partnership to benefit the community.”


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