
Planning commission approves subdivision plat

Nov 21, 2022 | 8:29 PM

Kevin Myatt, planning director for the Joint City-County Planning Commission of Barren County, discusses a plat that was up for approval at Monday's commission meeting. Melinda J. Overstreet / Glasgow News 1

By Melinda J. Overstreet / Glasgow News 1
The plat was approved for a subdivision of property along Blaine Evans Road in western Barren County at Monday’s regular meeting of the Joint City-County Planning Commission of Barren County.
Daniel and Madison Hale were the applicants/owners requesting that the property totaling roughly 43 acres known as the Joe Hale Estate be subdivided into seven tracts according to the plats. The roadway is off Ky. 1297 in the Railton community.
In his report to the commission, planning director Kevin Myatt said every tract exceeds the minimum lot size required in the Barren County subdivision regulations, and all utilities are available. He showed on an image of the plat projected onto the wall where the existing fire hydrant is and said it provides adequate fire hydrant coverage.
Any entrances on Blaine Evans Road will require approval from the county road supervisor.
In conclusion, Myatt said it was the staff recommendation to approve the plat.
Commissioners and the commission attorney, Charley Goodman, asked a few questions, and the subsequent vote was unanimous among those present. Ricky Houchens was the only member absent.
The only other agenda items for the meeting were routine business, such as the minutes and treasurer’s report.

Plat for Joe Dale Estate subdivision. Some informational elements have been cropped from this image.


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