Glasgow News 1
The Glasgow Police Department welcomed two new officers to the force as of Monday morning.

Glasgow Police Officer Jeffery Childress is sworn in as a new officer.
Officer Alex Mutter is a native of Barren County and a graduate of Barren County High School. He has prior experience working at the Barren County Jail and with the Metcalfe County Sheriff’s department. Officer Mutter was joined at the ceremony by his father, Matt Mutter, who served with the Glasgow Police Department from 1994-2002, as well as being a Barren County Sheriff’s deputy and later elected Barren County Jailer.

Glasgow Police Officer Alex Mutter is sworn in as a new officer.
Officer Jeffery Childress is a native of Barren County, having grown up in the Hiseville area. He is a 2006 graduate of BCHS and a 2013 graduate of WKU. He has previously been employed by the Glasgow and Cave City police departments.
Chief Guy Howie joined mayor Henry Royse in administering the oaths.