Top row, from left: Jesse Brown and Helen Russell; bottom row, from left: Kimberlea Embry and Donna Smith. Photo courtesy of WKU News.
Glasgow News 1
The Governor Louie B. Nunn Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame is scheduled to welcome four new educators into the rank of distinguished members: Jesse Brown, Helen Russell, Kimberlea Embry and Donna Smith. Of the four inductees two — Jesse Brown and Helen Russell — are from two of the three school districts in Barren County.
Brown was a teacher at Glasgow Independent Schools where he taught high school history for over 30 years before retiring. He continues to assist the district by serving as a substitute. The late Helen Russell worked for 44 years in education in Barren County as a social studies teacher, an instructional specialist and a curriculum coordinator. The others, Embry and the late Smith, taught at Butler County High School and Allen County-Scottsville High School respectively.
Corinne Murphy, dean of the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, said these four inductees were being nominated by individuals, “full of stories” detailing how these educators have changes their lives for the better.
“This year’s inductees were not only chosen for their lifelong commitment to the education field, but also their ability to inspire multiple generations,” Murphy wrote.
The four inductees were chosen by “a statewide selection committee” and are scheduled to be officially inducted into the hall of fame on Friday, Dec. 1, at Western Kentucky University.
“An esteemed team of current and former educators from across the state meet each year to review nominees for the Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame. The applications submitted are full of stories from students, colleagues, and community members about how these teachers have truly changed lives.”
According to Tara Martin, supervisor of instruction at the Glasgow Independent Schools district, there will be a celebration event for Brown’s induction on Friday, Sept. 29, at 1 p.m. at Glasgow High School. Glasgow News 1 will be there to cover the event as well.