
Barren County Fiscal Court discusses numerous items including county ordinances, voting reminders

Oct 19, 2023 | 9:48 AM

Barren County Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd welcomes Red Cross Elementary magnet class of 5th and 6th graders who toured various places in county government. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Glasgow News 1

The Barren County Fiscal Court met in its chambers at 9:30 a.m. to discuss a variety of items including reading three county ordinances, approve the purchase of four vehicles for the Barren River Drug Task Force, property taxes appearance change and voting dates.

The court chambers were unusually crowded with 5th and 6th grade magnet students from Red Cross Elementary came to watch and lead the seven magistrates in the Pledge of Allegiance. After that each magistrate told the students where their respective magisterial districts are in the county and what committees they are on.

Once introductions were completed, the magistrates turned their attention to the various items on the agenda.

During the meeting, which lasted just under an hour, numerous public officials stepped up to the podium to relay their department’s financials and performance. Among the reports was the topic of increasing the Barren County Sheriff’s bond from its current $2.5 million. According to Barren County Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd this is essentially liability insurance regarding collecting taxes.

Byrd said she consulted with Glasgow Insurance who recommended it be increased​. Sheriff Kent Keen said it hadn’t been increased in over 12 years, this caused Magistrate Tim Durham to reflect that “it has to be outdated.” Fellow Magistrate Brad Groce made the motion to increase the bond to $3 million. That was unanimously approved by the seven members.

In addition to the bond, Keen told the court due to a issue with the printer the customary yellow card that people’s property taxes were printed on would no longer get mailed, but instead a perforated 81/2″ x 11″ piece of paper.

The County Clerk Helena Birdwell told the court about some important dates regarding the upcoming election. According to Birdwell today, Oct. 18, the Board of Elections went out and inspected the voting machines and next week, on Oct. 24, was the deadline to request an absentee ballot. Between Oct. 25- Nov. 1 was early excused voting with early no excuse voting occurring between Nov. 2-4 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the University of Kentucky extension office. Like previous elections, Birdwell said, there will be nine voting locations on Nov. 7.

After the numerous public official and department reports, the court had to approve the first reading of ordinance 686 that amended a previous ordinance that related to volunteer fire department taxes. This revision states that the sheriff’s department will keep a portion of the funds collected.

“This is not in addition to the actual tax,” Byrd said. “This is after the $50 that is on you’re tax bill is collected 2.7% will be retained by the sheriff’s office for the collection of those fees.”

The first reading was past by a 5-2 roll call vote with Magistrates Derek Pedigo and Ronnie Stinson voting no. Byrd said the second reading of this county ordinance would likely be in a special-called meeting.

The second ordinance before the court was basically a formality relating to their expanded jurisdiction request, Thom Kendall, planning administrator at the Joint City-County Planning Commission. Another roll call vote was called with Stinson voting no on the reading.

“You should have some rights on your own land without it being infringed on,” Stinson said.

Related to this, the court unanimously approved an interlocal agreement with Cave City and Park City. The court also approved the purchase of four vehicles for the DTF. Byrd pointed out that these were purchased through a DTF grant and the county was merely a “pass through.”

The next scheduled Barren County Fiscal Court meeting is scheduled for Nov 21.


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