Glasgow News 1
The Barren County Fiscal Court is scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. in the court chambers for a special-called meeting to discuss and approve the second readings of three county ordinances — 686,687 and 688.
The first reading of all the ordinance appeared on the court’s Oct. 17 agenda, all of which were approved with Magistrates Derek Pedigo and Ronnie Stinson voting no on ordinance 686 and Stinson voting no on 687 as well.
Ordinance 686 amends a previous ordinance, 385, that state the county sheriff is “entitled to retain a collection fee of 2.7% of the membership charges or subscriber fees collected.”
This is in accordance with Kentucky Revised Statute 75.450 which states “if a fire department collects membership charges or subscriber fees, the fiscal court may adopt an ordinance to require the annual membership charges or subscriber fees to be added to property tax bills” instead of a separate bill from the department.
Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd made the point to say that this ordinance did not represent a 2.7% increase but rather a retainment by the sheriff’s office.
“This is not in addition to the actual tax,” Byrd said. “This is after the $50 that is on you’re tax bill is collected 2.7% will be retained by the sheriff’s office for the collection of those fees.”
The second ordinance, 687, is merely a formality, Thom Kendall, planning administrator of the Joint City-County Planning Commission, said at Tuesday’s meeting. According to him this ordinance formally accepts the Kentucky Building Code and Kentucky Residential Code which have been in effect and enforced since 2004. Kendall said the need to formally accept the two Kentucky codes is so the commonwealth doesn’t “kick back” their request of expanded jurisdiction.
The third, and final, ordinance relates to “approving a lease agreement for the financing of a project; providing for the payment and security of the lease; creating a sinking fund; and authorizing the executive of various documents related to such lease.” This, Byrd said at the meeting, approved potential bonding for renovations at Jackie Browning Park.
Other items on the agenda includes:
– Approve Payment to Barren-Metcalfe E-911
– Approve County Monthly Financial Report for September 2023, Subject to Audit
– Approve County Quarterly Report for 2nd Quarter FY 23-24, Subject to Audit