Glaswegians walked around the Square during the four hour event looking at handmade wares and socializing with one another. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Glaswegians walked around the Square during the four hour event looking at handmade wares and socializing with one another. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

The event featured 45 vendors, two food trucks and Honey’s Coffee. Also, during the four hour event, the shops around the Square stayed open. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

The Sip, Shop and Ho, Ho, Ho featured its fair share of food and drinks. The two food trucks were McDavid’s Chicken and Philly Willys. There was also hot chocolate, cotton candy and cookies for sale. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Several Sip, Shop and Strollers and vendors brought their animals to walk alongside them during the cool of the November day. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

The Christmas oriented event featured several characters including the Grinch. This temporary tattoo was from one such character. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

The event featured 45 vendors and two food trucks. According to Williams they were all vendors who had a holiday spin to their wares. The dozen and dozen of strollers found something for nearly everything including jewelry, door hangers, wines, bowl holders and numerous other handmade crafts. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Glaswegians walked around the Square during the four hour event looking at handmade wares and socializing with one another. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Glaswegians walked around the Square during the four hour event looking at handmade wares and socializing with one another. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Kevin Myatt and Scott Kerley work together to help set up the big screen in front of Glasgow City Hall where the 30 minute movie would be show during Light Up Glasgow. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Due to the possibility of bad weather Light Up Glasgow was rescheduled from Nov. 17 at 5 p.m. to Nov. 18 at 6 p.m. so it followed directly after the Sip, Shop and Ho, Ho, Ho. The event was very well attended. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Members of Barren County Schools sang many Christmas songs like “Deck the Halls” before counting down until the Christmas lights around the Square bathed it in a yellow light of decorations. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

During both events, Sip, Shop and Ho, Ho, Ho and Light Up Glasgow, Santa and Mrs. Claus took pictures with the participants. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

As the Barren County singers counted down from ten, the lights were turned on all across the Square including on the live tree planted beside the courthouse. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.