Teresa ad Drew Bewley are life long cheerleading enthusiasts who have a family legacy in the sport. Submitted

BC Schools Throwback: Excellence in cheerleading stands test of time

Nov 30, 2023 | 4:26 PM


Glasgow News 1

Since the Barren County High School came to be, the cheerleading program has been part of the school system, and it has been a point of excellence for the county and the school.

Images of cheerleading through the years with Coach Teresa Bewely leading the way have been well documented in the pages of yearbooks.

Cheer has been an integral and consistent part of the Barren County school system’s legacy since the high school was built.

At least in part that excellence has stemmed from the dedication, devotion and love the Bewley family has offered to the program.

“There is a massive history associated with Barren County cheerleading, it is one of the strongest sports we offer. My mother Teresa Bewley has made it a program of excellence, and we have so, so many people, so many families in the county that support the program,” said Coach Drew Bewley Settle.

Teresa was a cheerleader, and her mother was as well. She has been involved as a cheer teacher for 44 years.

“My mother is 93 and she wore her skirt and cheer sweater. It is not just a sport in a gym, it teaches things they need all their lives,” Teresa said.

Both of Teresa’s daughters, Jamie and Drew, cheered.

Teresa and Drew Bewley are life-long cheerleading enthusiasts who have a family legacy in the sport.

For the past decade, Drew has taught cheer just like her mother.

“I didn’t think I would cheer all my life, but I have and I love it. It is something the entire Bewley family is passionate about,” said Drew.

She agrees it’s more than a sport or a facet of life; it is a way of life.

“The kids who cheer learn dedication, determination, commitment to work hard on academics, and they learn they can’t give up. One day they will have a job and they can’t give up because they have a bad day. And whether it is a job, a marriage, a friendship or whatever it might, life is about perseverance. They have to work hard at it, and keep working hard,” said Drew.

The hard work has paid off in myriad ways.

“Our team this year is great. The program has stayed great and mom set the stage for that,” Drew said. The Barren County cheerleaders are known as a winning team, and for the past 10 years they have won the regional championship, and one state championship.

Drew added that going to nationals is a big deal for the co-ed team, and for some students a once-in-a-lifetime trip, for which they must work hard at raising the funds.

“I’m so proud to lead one of the best co-ed cheer teams in the state,” Drew said.

A winning co-ed team of BC cheerleaders.

She said that she has learned a lot from the program and the athletes as well.

“Coaching has its ups and downs. You have good days and bad. The kids make it all worth it. The kids, I love them like my own. I want to see them be great at cheer, and then I want to watch them be great at life,” Drew said.

For Teresa, it was also about the people and the lifelong impact and connections made.

“I always enjoyed traveling and meeting people from across the state and country. It’s something you take with you all your life,” she said.

Mother and daughter coaches Drew Bewley Settle and Teresa Bewley have been strong leaders for the BC cheer teams through the decades.

To learn more about the Barren County cheerleading program today, click here.


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