Glasgow News 1
Today, Feb. 5, Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd joined with Glasgow Mayor Henry Royse to officially declare this week, Feb. 5-9, as Family Resource and Youth Services Coordinators Appreciation Week.
According to the University of Kentucky, Family Resource and Youth Services Coordinators, or FRYSCs, “help at-risk students and their families obtain access to the necessary resources to overcome obstacles that affect their ability to learn.”
Currently, there are ten FRYSCs throughout the three local school districts — Barren County Schools, Glasgow and Caverna Independent Schools. This proclamation seeks to highlight those individuals for the work they do within the districts.
Kentucky Family Resource and Youth Services Centers were introduced along with the Kentucky Education Reform Act in 1990 “in response to growing social problems that formed barriers to learning and added additional demands on public service agencies,” and — unlike other educational positions that fall under the purview of the Kentucky Department of Education — lies within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
Schools in Kentucky are eligible for this program if 20 percent or more students qualify for federal free and reduced-price meals, a paper published through the University of Kentucky states. Presently there are more than 800 FRYSCs serving roughly 95 percent of all Kentucky schools.
“Join us in celebrating the 10 FRYSCs and their coordinators who tirelessly support students and families, embodying the ‘Whatever It Takes’ spirit,” the social media post states.