Photo courtesy of Barren County Schools.
Glasgow News 1
Two Barren County Middle School students recently had their artwork accepted into the Arts for All Kentucky traveling exhibit.
The artwork of Hunter Davis and Taylor Read will join 23 other pieces of artwork in an exhibit called “A Matter of Perspective,” which is comprised of artwork made by K-12 students with disabilities that travels across the commonwealth each year.
“The Student Traveling Art Exhibit, ‘A Matter of Perspective’ is an annual exhibit comprised of original artwork created by students with disabilities from across Kentucky,” the website states. “This art exhibit is available to schools, museums, businesses, libraries, and hospitals across the Commonwealth each year. Teachers are encouraged to submit their students’ original artwork each fall in order to participate in the exhibition.”
This is not the first time the Barren County Schools have encountered Arts for All Kentucky — the nonprofit that “promotes arts, education and creative expression for all” — as Kim Soule, who works through the nonprofit, came to the middle school in September 2023 and spent three days working with students on self portraits.
Heather Gardner, public relations assistant at the district, said the traveling exhibit would be on display at Barren County Middle School on April 22-30.
According to the organization’s website this exhibit is in tandem with three other “Art on Tour” exhibits — the others being Side by Side, The Ron Billings Emerging Artist and Special Exhibits.