
Barren Fiscal Court discusses new building inspector software, tree work at the courthouse

May 21, 2024 | 10:14 PM

The full Barren County Fiscal Court, comprised of the seven county magistrates and the judge-executive, met for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on May 21 at 9 a.m. in the court chambers on the third floor of the county government center. All seven magistrates were either physically present or, as in the case of Jeff Botts, present via Zoom. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1.

Glasgow News 1

As most Barren Countians were either heading to one of nine voting location scattered throughout the county or to begin their day of work, the seven Barren County Magistrates, along with county Judge-Executive Jamie Bewley Byrd, converged in the Barren County Fiscal Court chambers for their monthly meeting. During the hour-long meeting a variety of reports were given and approved, among them was the approval for a new building inspector’s software and discussion of maintenance to the Glasgow Public Square.

After 11 minutes of the meeting were given over to the announcement, the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation the county building inspector, Jim Griffin, stepped up to the podium to address the magistrates and ask for their approval of a new permitting and licensing software.

“A lot of things have changed in my department over the past few years,” Griffin said. “Since we’ve had Expanded Jurisdiction, which means we’re taking over a lot more commercial buildings that used to go to the state…we do those inspections, we get those permit fees.”

Griffin explained his office has seen an influx of work both because of Expanded Jurisdiction and other factors, which Griffin cannot “explain,” and this new software — which is named Cloudpermit, whose mission is to “digitalize and improve citizen experiences” in local governments across the United States and Canada — is his attempt to make his filing and workflow more succinct and efficient.

“We’re super busy,” Griffin said. “Not that long ago it was just me and someone at a desk answering phones. I was running around like crazy but we were handling it. Our method was a filing cabinet with paper files in it…then it became [Microsoft] Excel because we had to do something…and it just ain’t cutting it anymore because of our new state jurisdiction jobs…it’s time to step it up.”

Griffin said the the new software would do “all kinds of stuff” that would make the building inspector’s office more efficients like unlimited storage of building permits, photos and plans, online payment options, access to plans while away from the office, online applications for permits, track permit progress and the capability to generate monthly reports.

Griffin explained the City of Glasgow would pay a third of this contract with Cloudpermit, Code Enforcement and Solid Waste would pay one third as the software would also help those offices and the county would pay the final third. In the end Griffin asked the magistrates to approve a three year contract for $11,800 the first year and $8,800 the remaining two years. That price includes the portion paid by the Code Enforcement and Solid Waste, Byrd clarified.

Tim Coomer, magistrate for the fourth district, made the motion and Jeff Botts, magistrate representing the first district, seconded it resulting in a unanimous “yea” vote.

“It’s really good for us but it’s also really good for the public,” Griffin said.

“I will second what he’s saying,” Byrd added. “We are growing and this is a technology age so it’ll just make things a lot more efficient. We want things as easy as possible for people to do business in Barren County.”

After that was voted on and approved, and after Griffin retook his seat, Magistrate Marty Kinslow spoke for Botts, who appeared via Zoom, concerning the discussion of the joint Administrative and Budget-Building and Property committee, which took place Thursday, May 16.

All-in-all Kinslow brought up the six items discussed in the committee meeting including quotes on new glass doors for the old U.S. bank building and upcoming pressure washing on the emergency management building, however not all points brought up had action associated with them. One item that did elicit a motion by Kinslow was one for tree removal — mostly of dead trees — and trimming around the Barren County Courthouse.

“If you look at the lawn on the courthouse there’s no grass in some areas and that’s because there’s no sunlight that hits those areas,” Byrd said. “Our project next year is to really improve the look of the [interior of the] Glasgow Square and this is the first start.”

The quote prepared by Tree KO for $7,985 was unanimously approved by the court.

“That will happen soon,” Byrd said after the motion’s approval.

Also on the agenda, though it did not garner any discussion, was the approval to set the tax rate for the 24-25 fiscal year. The form relates to the “Public Health Tax” for the Barren County Public Health Taxing District, which was established at the court’s meeting back in Sept. 2023.

At the September meeting a tax of 2.5 cents per $100 assessed valuation on personal property and motor vehicles was established. According to the form sent out before the fiscal court the rate remains the same.

Other agenda items discussed were:

Public Officials Reports
County Judge/Executive
1. Approve County Monthly Financial Report for April 2024, Subject to Audit
County Attorney
1. Approve County Attorney Monthly Settlement Report for April 2024
County Clerk
1. Approve County Clerk April 2024 Fee Report, Subject to Audit
1. Approve Sheriff April 2024 Fee Report, Subject to Audit

Department Reports and Committee Reports
1. Building Inspector
2. Coroner
3. County Clerk
4. Jail
5. Parks & Recreation Department
6. Road Department
7. Sheriff
8. Administrative and Budget Committee (Meeting Cancelled)
9. Building and Property Committee
10. Economic Development Committee (Meeting Cancelled)
11. Emergency Management/Solid Waste Committee
12. Jail Committee
13. Parks and Recreation Committee
14. Transportation Committee Report (Meeting Cancelled)

New Business
A. Approve Payment of Claims as Presented, including May 21, 2024 Election Claims
B. Approve Transfer of Funds
C. Acknowledge Receipt/Approve Personnel Actions
D. Approve Resolution for Law Enforcement Protection Program
E. Approve County Road Aid Cooperative Program Agreement (Vote)
F. Approve CH-61 Form to Set Tax Rate for 2024/2025 Fiscal Year
G. Acknowledge SPGE Budget Summary for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
H. Approve Documents for the 24-25 Waste Tire Grant Application
I. Approve Appointments to Boards and Councils, as presented
J. Approve Quote of $10,295.00 from EFI for Matthew Mill Road
K. Ratify Payment of Bluegrass Integrated Communications for $12,558.00
L. Approve Payment of Bluegrass Integrated Communications for $6,255.03
M. Approve Contract for Cloudpermit for County’s Contribution of $11,800 the 1 st year and
$8,800 the 2 nd and 3 rd year
N. Approve Payment of Best One Tire & Service for $5,339.59

The next meeting of the Barren County Fiscal Court is scheduled for June 18.


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