for Glasgow News 1
Local leaves have had plenty of arid weather lately to help them morph into dryer versions of themselves, easily tousled from branches when windy days like Thursday come long, so Glasgow residents already have quite a few on their lawns.
For those who prefer to not have them stay there long enough for Mother Nature to decompose or blow them away, the Glasgow Department of Public Works’ annual leaf collection effort begins next week.
The city is divided into four zones, split by Main Street and U.S. 31-E, using the business route portions known as North Race and South Green streets, as shown on the map above. Each zone gets two rounds of collections.
– Zone 3, the northeastern section of town, gets to be first, starting Monday and continuing through Nov. 8. Zone 3 then gets another turn Dec. 2-6.
– Next up will be Zone 4, in the southwestern portion of town, Nov. 12-15. Its second round is set for Dec. 9-13.
– The southeastern area, Zone 1, is third in the rotation, with pickup scheduled for Nov. 18-22 and then again Dec. 16-20.
– Zone 2, the northwestern section, gets its turns Nov. 25-27 and Dec. 23-27.
A list of specific streets for each zone is available on the city’s website. From that webpage, it is also possible to navigate from a link there to a map that can be enlarged to show street names.
Residents and businesses are asked to have their loose leaves piled near the sidewalk for collection before the dates for their respective zone. The loose leaves are collected by DPW personnel using a vacuum-type device connected to a truck. The leaves may also be put in trash bags and placed near the sidewalk as well.
This collection service is for leaves only, and objects that could injure crew members or equipment, such as rocks, tree limbs, etc. should not be included with the leaves.
Once they’re collected, the leaves are taken to the Glasgow Regional Landfill and turned into compost. Compost may be purchased while supplies last.
Questions may be directed to the public works office at 270-651-5977.