for Glasgow News 1
The Glasgow Department of Public Works has distributed roughly 75 tons of salt on city streets this month in response to winter-weather forecasts and events.
That amount included approximately 22,000 gallons of salt brine used to pretreat streets ahead of anticipated snow and ice, said DPW Superintendent Jim McGowan at Monday’s regular meeting of the Glasgow Common Council. He said the staff put in more than 85 overtime hours working to get and keep the streets cleared.
Another 75 tons had been ordered, so the city is essentially back at full capacity now, he said.
He discussed miscellaneous aspects of the work, including the hierarchy for the order in which streets are done. The current cost is about $114 per ton, he said.
“What we do is start out with what we call Priority 1s,” McGowan said. “That’s our routes to and from the first responders – police, fire, EMS, 911 dispatch and the hospitals here in town.”
Major collector streets and those around schools are Priority 2, and minor collector streets that route traffic to the major collectors are Priority 3. Priority 4 are the residential side streets, he said.
Answering a question from Councilman Randy Wilkinson, McGowan said the city’s salt is stored in two bays, and when one starts getting close to empty, more is ordered.
“All our guys are phenomenal,” McGowan said as he wrapped up the question-and-answer session from council members.
“We’re very blessed with the crews that have to work through less-than-normal circumstances,” Mayor Henry Royse said.
With all nine council members present, they unanimously approved the following:
– Second reading of an ordinance rezoning approximately 2.59 acres at 110 Physicians Blvd. from Office and Professional (OP) to Highway Service Business (B3), as was requested by Kentucky Industrial Alliance LLC and recommended by the Joint City-County Planning Commission of Barren County after its unanimous vote Dec. 16;
– Two resolutions declaring certain property as surplus to be sold, some of which had been seized by police department (rims and tires) and some of which had been used by the fire department (miscellaneous firefighting materials, cameras and computer equipment), with both departments planning to sell the items online through;
– A resolution allowing South Central Rural Telecommuncations Corp. permanent easement and right of way so it can access as needed a major trunk line it has that crosses property owned by the city along West Main Street. This property includes the site of a future farmers market facility. A similar easement and right of way was granted across the property that is the future site of a Barren County justice center.
City Attorney Rich Alexander said the law already stipulated that the company has access, but it wanted documentation it could file with the county clerk’s office.
The mayor had also included in the council’s meeting packet notice of an executive order he approved updating the police department’s procedures regarding vehicles.
The next regular meeting of the council is scheduled for 6 p.m. Feb. 10 in Council Chambers in what has been Glasgow City Hall and is being renamed the Luska J. Twyman Municipal Building, 126 E. Public Square.