Planning Director Kevin Myatt, left, explains the staff report on the Cleveland Avenue property rezoning on Feb. 18. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1
Glasgow News 1
After roughly 58 years since first zoned light industrial, the members of the Joint City-County Planning Commission recommended that the roughly 160 acres on Cleveland Avenue — referred to as the former Johnson Property — be rezoned to a Planned Development Unit during their Feb. 18 meeting.
With Glasgow Mayor Henry Royse in attendance, Planning Director Kevin Myatt said the areas around it — save for the area to the south — are zoned light industrial, however the 2019 Comprehensive Plan future land use map, which is only a guide, does have that land classified as a Planned Unit Development.
The Glasgow zoning ordinance describes a Planned Unit Development as a “large scale development providing flexibility in design and a mixture of uses, separately, which are not possible under traditional zoning.”
“Think of it like a borough, like Queens in New York,” Myatt said.
The minimum requirements for a Development three zoning classification — excluding the public classification — with 25 percent of “greenspace coverage.” As previously reported, and restated at the meeting, the city has not yet finalized the layout of the Development, though three tentative designs were shown to the public during the Dec. 3 open house.
Myatt, and the staff, recommended the change and it was unanimously approved by the commissioners.
Once the commission approves their minutes, the rezoning recommendation will head to the Glasgow City Council for two readings before the rezoning is finalized.
Myatt said each developer within the zoning would need to bring plans before the commission for its approval.