Glasgow News 1
As property tax season draws near, the Barren County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) wants property owners in Barren County to know not to expect the usual yellow postcard they’ve been accustomed to.
“They will resemble your electric bill, and will arrive in a white envelope. The emblem of the sheriff’s badge will be visible in the top left-hand corner,” said Sherri Hammer of the BSCO.
Property owners can expect to find the tax bills in their mailboxes and P.O. Boxes during the first week of November.
“We mail them on October 30, and we begin taking payments November 1,” Hammer added.
If tax payers wonder why this change has come about, it is because the yellow card stock typically used is now nearly impossible to locate by distributors, and the limited quantity available is triple the cost of what it once was.
“For years, people have been used to seeing the yellow bill, so it will be a change. People will need to pay attention and keep their eyes open for the new bill, which will resemble their other mail a lot more and could easily get lost in the shuffle,” Hammer said.
There are multiple methods for paying the tax bill. Recipients can pay in office during regular business hours, mail their payments or they may pay their bill online at the Barren County Sheriff’s Office website.
If paying online, individuals may pay with their bank account (ACH) or credit/debit card. There is a charge of $1.50 for paying with your bank account (ACH) and there is a charge using a debit/credit card, whether in office or online, at approximately 2.5% of your total. The exact fee is disclosed prior to the submission of an online payment.
The BCSO is not responsible for and will not honor payments made via third party websites.
Anyone paying their bill by November 30 or earlier will get a 2 percent discount. There is 5 percent penalty for people who pay in the month of January, and a 21 percent penalty for payments made February 1 – April 15, 2024.

The appearance of the 2023 Property Tax Bills for Barren County will closely resemble other bills, will arrive in a white envelope and will have the badge in the top lefthand corner.

Additional information will be included in billing.