Glasgow News 1
Glasgow native, Karen Sherfey, was recently appointed by Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear to a four-year term on the Kentucky Board of Nursing.
“I am honored to be able to do this,” Sherfey said. “I’m going to try to figure out what they need me to do and follow that. I’m excited about this”
The Kentucky Board of Nursing, located in Louisville, is comprised of 16 members appointed on staggered 4-year terms with the goal of “protecting the public by development and enforcement of state laws governing the safe practice of nursing, nursing education, and credentialing.”
By Kentucky statute, nine members of the board are registered nurses, or RNs, three members are practical nurses, one member is a “nurse service administrator,” one member who is “engaged in practical nurse education” while the remaining two positions are citizens-at-large.
One of the LPN positions was opening up and Sherfey, spurred by T. J. Samson Regional Health, applied for a 2023-2027 term. According to Sherfey it was a roughly year long process before she got the call.
“Finally I thought ‘well, it just fell through, it isn’t going to happen’ and then one day I got a call they told me he has decided to appoint me,” Sherfey said. “After that it went pretty quick.”
Along with being on the board, Sherfey said, she is also going to serve on two committees: the Consumer Protection Committee and the Education Committee.
Sherfey graduated from Barren County High School and earned her LPN certification in 1991. She has 32 years of experience as an LPN serving in many “different areas of nursing” from staff development coordinator to admission and marketing director.
She began working at the Barren County Nursing and Rehab before putting in 11 years of service at Greenwood Nursing and Rehabilitation finally returning to the Barren County Nursing and Rehab, in total working there for roughly 20 years. Currently she is working in the T. J. Cardiac Rehabilitation Department since June 2022.
Sherfey said she is excited to begin the work of the KNB and serving the people of Barren County and her district.