Members of the Glasgow Parks and Recreation Department put up the first batch of the 25 new banners on Nov. 29. At the Glasgow City Council meeting on Nov. 27 Councilman Terry Bunnell, who is also one of four members on the Strategic Planning Committee, said these banners - which come in five different colors including red, two shades of blue, tan and green - were bought through leftover funds that were donated to the Glasgow-Barren County Community Foundation when Glasgow underwent a rebranding in 2021. This first batch consists of five banners. Bunnell said the rest of the banners will be erected "predominantly in the Downtown Business sector" and down South Greet Street and both East and West Main Streets. “As the Christmas decorations come down we’ll put the remaining banners up around the town,” Bunnell said. He said his is excited for people to see the new banners and is glad they could put the extra donations to use. Glasgow Mayor Henry Royse echoed his sentiments at the council meeting. “It’s a nice looking banner,” Royse said. “I think it’s an excellent way to solidify our branding. We’re looking forward to seeing these go up…” Kevin Myatt, planning director with the Joint City-County Planning Commission, said the banners were printed locally by Gerald Printing. Michael Crimmins/Glasgow News 1

PHOTO: Twenty-five banners going up around the city to solidify Glasgow’s branding

Nov 29, 2023 | 11:05 AM


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