Glasgow News 1
Hurry up and wait.
This is how Barren County Deputy Judge-Executive described the process of moving the county’s generator wires from underneath Glasgow’s parking structure.
Earlier this year, on June 22, the City of Glasgow announced the partial closure of the downtown parking structure, citing some structural issues found during Qk4 Engineering and Planning’s inspection. The walkway that is between the Barren County Government Center and Subway was one “area of concern” identified during the inspection.
On Sept. 17 county magistrates on the Building and Property Committee authorized Gilliam to solicit bids to relocate the center’s generator wires to the nearby shelf because the city would not begin repairs on the walkway until the wire relocation. However, before relocation can actually begin, Gilliam said the shelf needs to be extended, a project that will be completed by welding students at the Barren County Area Technology Center.
Gilliam said people from SE Engineering and Design, the firm that agreed to make the engineer drawings, came on Dec. 12 and are “actively working” on getting Gilliam the drawing.
After the drawing and welding projects are complete, Gilliam said Spencer Clemmons Electric, who had their bid of $55,000 approved on Oct. 15, can begin the relocation work.
Gilliam said SE Engineering charged roughly $1,500 for drawings, which is less than the $5,000 threshold that requires fiscal court approval.