Members of the Glasgow Common Council starting terms in 2023 take the oath of office on Dec. 30, 2022, in Council Chambers. From left, standing, are those who were sworn in -- Freddie Norris, Max Marion, the only new member, Marlin Witcher, Terry Bunnell, Marna Kirkpatrick, Chasity Lowery, Joe Trigg, Patrick Gaunce and James Neal and District Judge Gabe Pendleton, who administered the oath. MELINDA J. OVERSTREET / GLASGOW NEWS 1

Appointments are bulk of first 2023 Glasgow council meeting

Jan 5, 2023 | 5:53 PM

The agenda for Henry Royse’s first meeting at which he’ll be presiding with the Glasgow Common Council is packed, though the vast majority of the items are staff appointments – with very few changes and appointments of council members to various boards, commissions, etc. that are outlined below. A list of proposed other appointments is provided as well, in accordance with a 2016 resolution that requires the mayor to provide the names of proposed resident appointees at least two weeks prior to a vote on the appointment.
Other than those, the only other proposed action item is to move the council meeting time to 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m., as it is now, but they would remain on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.
The agenda also calls for Emily Hathcock, associate director of planning and development for the Barren River Area Development District, to discuss the Comprehensive Economic Development Summit that BRADD is presenting Jan. 31 at the Cave City Convention Center.
In addition, the council is provided with some informational items that require no action from them: 1) an executive order regarding Glasgow Police Department standard operating procedure updates and 2) notice that the executive order by the prior mayor declaring a state of emergency regarding the winter weather system the penultimate week of December has expired.

Mona Simmons, city clerk
Rich Alexander, city attorney*
Maddie Griffin, finance officer
Stephanie Garrett, city treasurer
Brandon Kerney, license inspector
Roger Simmons, superintendent of public works
Lincoln Bell, city engineer*
William Rock, fire chief
Jennifer Arbogast, police chief
–Garland Gilliam, emergency management director*
–Marcus Thurman and Anita May, deputy emergency management directors

Council Committees
Finance: Terry Bunnell, Chasity Lowery, Freddie Norris and Marlin Witcher
Infrastructure: Patrick Gaunce, Joe Trigg, Norris and Witcher
Planning and Development, also known as Parks and Recreation: Bunnell, Gaunce, Lowery and Norris
Public Safety: James Neal, Gaunce, Norris and Witcher
Strategic Planning: Marna Kirkpatrick, Bunnell, Neal and Witcher

Other Committees, Boards and Commissions
James Neal: Annexation Committee and Glasgow/Barren County Animal Shelter Board of Directors
Freddie Norris: Annexation Committee and
Terry Bunnell: Barren County Economic Authority Board of Directors and Glasgow Economic Development Loan Fund Board of Directors
Patrick Gaunce: Community Relief Fund of Glasgow-Barren County Board of Directors
Joe Trigg: Community Relief Fund of Glasgow-Barren County Board of Directors and Veterans Wall of Honor Standing Committee
Chasity Lowery: Glasgow Electric Plant Board and Plaza Theatre Advisory Board
Marna Kirkpatrick: Glasgow-Barren County Salvation Army Service Unit Committee, Renaissance Steering Committee, and Glasgow Water and Sewer Commission
Max Marion: Plaza Theatre Advisory Board and Barren-Metcalfe County Emergency Communications Center 911 Governing Board
Marlin Witcher: Veterans Wall of Honor Standing Committee

— Glasgow Electric Plant Board: Troy Stephens, reappointment until Jan. 31, 2027, and Robert Oliver, the latter of which is filling the unexpired term of Beau Jones through Jan. 31, 2026
— Plaza Theatre Advisory Board: Holly Alexander, Jeff Harper, Cody Meek and Jerry Ralston

*Person or position title is new.
–Emergency management appointments are jointly with the county.


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